Thursday, August 6, 2009


Some times it's the small things that blow my mind.  The little details and nooks and crannies of every day life- they make me wonder, and help me to realize how important those little things make the big picture better.  I have a huge appreciation for the small... I joy in noticing things that other people often miss.  Watching a movie, going to a play, shopping in the store, going to someone's home,  I look for the parts, the pictures, the embellishments, the add-ons, the intricacies, the little details that make something truly special. 

Details take time.  In the smallest part of a grand painting, the artist carefully and perhaps fearfully took their brush to add life to their masterpiece.  The sculptor with his great stone and small chisel working away the rough parts to develop the features of their design, knowing the risk of an unsteady hand, and is able to make something that demands a reaction of wow.

God is into details.  Ever walked outside and looked at creation?  Yes the mountains are majestic and the trees reach high in beauty... but look closer.... the painted wings on the butterfly, the way the leaves change in the fall, the unique pattern of a rose's petals, the teeming life in a small puddle, the way the raindrops look in the sun ...

Look at your own life...if God is so concerned about the lillies of the fields and the birds in the air, think about all the details He's put together in you.  Your own unique look, the sound of your voice, the numbers of hairs on your head, your talents, your abilities, your pattern of thinking, the way you walk-it's quite an amazing design, really.  I think we are His favorite masterpiece.  No replicas, duplicates, or mistakes. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.  He took time on you.  He takes interest in you.  He knows every detail about you...what a wonderful Creator.  

So take a moment to notice the details, in nature, in others, and in yourself.  Stop.  Smell those roses.  And that's the beans for today...

Monday, August 3, 2009


I like to try new things, and re-visit past hobbies.  This time it is my old friend, the paint brush.  Recently I was asked to help with an illustrated message by doing a painting.  I'll admit that my hand was shaky, and I did drop my paintbrush at least twice in the course of doing so.  It had been quite a while since I had painted, much less something that was going to be in front of a group of 100 people.  But at the same time, I found something so fulfilling about it, and had a blast painting.  To my surprise, the painting turned out better than I had expected!  (relieved) So, I think I'll pick up my old friend once again.  Saturday my husband encouraged me to buy a couple to get some new brushes and paints, and eventually an easel as well.  I'll post some new pics as they come.  That's the beans for today!

"The Giving" 7/15/09